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CxReports is a comprehensive software solution that facilitates the automated generation of PDF reports for a variety of business needs, including financial, inventory, sales, and HR documentation.

Easy Report Design

Users can design reports using a WYSIWYG editor that includes elements such as tables, charts, images, and rich-text—making it akin to working with PowerPoint. The system is designed for users with basic CSS knowledge, eliminating the need for advanced coding skills.

Streamlined Page Management

The software automates the management of page layouts, handling page breaking, numbering, and dynamically generated table of contents. Repeating page elements like headers and footers are uniformly maintained with customizable templates.

Flexible Branding Options

Reports are easily styled to match corporate or client-specific branding, with the possibility to switch between multiple themes for varied reporting requirements.

Integrated Data Sources

CxReports fetches data from diverse sources, including APIs and SQL databases, and makes that data visible during the report design phase for enhanced accuracy.

Dynamic Reporting Features

Parameterization of reports is available to create dynamic content, and multilingual support ensures accessibility for a global audience. Reports are exportable to PDF and can be previewed live.

Scheduling and Integration

Email delivery of reports can be scheduled daily, weekly, monthly, or as needed. Additionally, CxReports supports single sign-on and can be embedded into other products using iframes or controlled through its API.

Designed for Teams and Security

Workspaces within CxReports allow for departmental separation and secure test environments, backed by a system of finely-grained security with roles and permissions.

Deployment and Accessibility

The application is installed on-premises and set up via Docker, simplifying access to data and enhancing security. There is also a free version of the software that caters to smaller scale needs, with limits on the number of users, workspaces, and reports.