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Report Parameters

Report parameters allow you to customize and refine the data displayed in your reports. Parameters are closely linked to your data sources, and they can be utilized within SQL queries or API calls to filter data dynamically. By using parameters, you can generate reports that focus on specific employees, departments, or time periods.

Creating and Configuring Parameters

To access and manage report parameters, navigate to the Report tab in the report editor. Here, you can define new parameters or modify existing ones to better suit your reporting requirements.

When setting up a new parameter, you need to define several attributes to ensure it functions correctly within your report:

  • Name: This is the identifier for the parameter. To display the value of the parameter within the report, use the syntax {$param.paramName}.
  • Label: This is the label for the form field in the "Set Parameters" window, which helps users understand what information they need to provide.
  • Parameter Group: Parameters can be grouped into sections, making them easier to manage and navigate.
  • Required: If marked as required, the report cannot be displayed without this parameter being set.
  • Display: Choose whether to display the parameter value at the top of the report page.
  • Type: The type of the parameter can be Text, Number, Date, Month Range, Lookup, or Switch.

Lookup Parameters

Lookup parameters are particularly versatile, allowing users to select values from a predefined list or based on data retrieved from a database or an API call. Lookup parameters can be dynamically linked, allowing for a sequential selection process where, for example, choosing a department first can then filter and display only the relevant users from that department.

Organizing Parameters

Parameter Groups

Parameter Groups help organize parameters into logical sections, simplifying navigation and management, especially in complex reports with multiple parameters.

Reusable Parameters

Reusable Parameters can be defined once and used across multiple reports. This efficiency prevents the need to recreate the same settings for each report, ensuring consistency and saving time.

Global Parameters

Global Parameters are set once and made available for all reports within the workspace, eliminating the need to individually assign these parameters to each report. This feature is particularly useful for commonly used parameters across different reports, such as fiscal years or organizational settings.