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Report Templates

Defining Report Templates

Report templates in CxReports control the layout for various page types within a report, from cover pages to standard portrait or landscape pages, and specialized pages like tables of contents and disclaimers. These templates specify headers, footers, and assign content placeholders to be filled during the report design process. Templates are linked with themes that ensure visual consistency across the report.

Using Templates

Users manage templates through the Templates page, where new designs can be made or adjustments to existing ones applied. For collaborative flexibility, templates can be transferred between workspaces, enabling a consistent reporting style across different teams and projects.

Working within the Template Editor

The template editor is where users set up default settings, like page size, orientation, and margins before diving into the design phase. Here, each page type is crafted, including the creation of fixed elements—headers and footers—and the placement of content placeholders.

The design process leverages a drag-and-drop interface from the top ribbon toolbar for easy addition of page elements. Elements like company logos are frequently added to headers, while footers might house page numbers or other relevant information.

Through text templating, dynamic data like Page {$page.number} of {$report.pageCount} can be integrated, allowing for real-time updates on page counts directly within reports.

Concluding customization options, including whether pages are included in the page count or changing the default page orientation and margins, are accessible in the Page tab of the ribbon toolbar, offering additional control over the final report presentation.

In essence, the template editor tool streamlines the process of creating adaptable and visually coordinated report templates in CxReports.