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Text Formats

There are numerous formats for presenting dates, numbers, currencies, and text, each tailored to specific functional requirements.

Format Description Unformatted Value Formatted Value
Number formats
n;2 Two decimals 1537.2598 1,537.26
n;0 No decimals 1537.2598 1,537
n;6 High precision (6 digits) 1537.2598 1,537.259800
n;2;6 Flex precision (min 2, max 6 decimals) 1537.2598 1,537.2598
number;0;2;c Compact Number 1537.2598 1.54K
zeropad;2 Zero pad (2 digits) 5 05
Percent formats
p;2 Default 0.994587 99.46%
ps;2 Add percent sign 0.994587 0.99%
percentnosign;2 Hide percent sign 0.994587 99.46
p;0 No decimals 0.994587 99%
p;1 One decimal 0.994587 99.5%
Date formats
d Default 2024-04-18T22:46:27.639Z 04/19/2024
dt;MMMyy Month name and Year 2024-04-18T22:46:27.639Z Apr 24
dt;MMyy Month number and Year 2024-04-18T22:46:27.639Z 04/24
dt;MMMMyyyy Long Month name and Year 2024-04-18T22:46:27.639Z April 2024
dateq Year Quarter 2024-04-18T22:46:27.639Z Q2 2024
yearperiod;2 2 Years Period 2024-04-18T22:46:27.639Z 2024-2026
yearperiod;4 4 years Period 2024-04-18T22:46:27.639Z 2024-2028
Currency formats
currency;;0;2 Currency (Default) 137890.95 $137,890.95
currency;USD;0;2 Currency USD 137890.95 $137,890.95
currency;EUR;0;2 Currency EUR 137890.95 €137,890.95
currency;USD;0;2;c Compact Currency USD 137890.95 $137.89K
currency;EUR;0;2;c Compact Currency EUR 137890.95 €137.89K
Text formats
suffix; kg Suffix 15 15 kg
wrap;(;) Wrap Category (Category)
ellipsis;10 Ellipsis More than 10 letters More th...
ellipsis;10;middle Ellipsis (middle) More than 10 letters More...ers
ellipsis;10;start Ellipsis (start) More than 10 letters ...letters