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Report Editor

The Report Editor is a central user interface designed to facilitate the creation and customization of reports. This page will guide you through the various options available in the Report Editor, helping you to efficiently manage and customize your reports. The editor is structured into three main areas: the Ribbon Toolbar at the top, the Left Sidebar, and the Right Sidebar.

Ribbon Toolbar

The Ribbon Toolbar is organized into three tabs, each catering to different aspects of report management and customization:

Home Tab

  • Actions Section: Provides tools to preview the report, copy, paste, delete elements, and undo or redo changes.
  • Options Section: Includes toggles for data binding and displaying a ruler to help align components.
  • Components Section: Lists all available components which can be filtered by type or name for easier access.

Page Tab

  • Clear Page: Clears all content from the current page.
  • Delete Page: Removes the selected page from the report.
  • Set as Thumbnail: Captures and sets the current page view as the report thumbnail.
  • Delete Thumbnail: Removes the existing thumbnail.
  • Page Name Field: Allows you to name the page for better organization.
  • Page Type Field: Enables changing the page type (e.g., page master).
  • Count this Page: A toggle to assign a page number to the page inand include it in the table of contents.
  • ToC Label Field: Sets a custom label for the page in the table of contents.
  • Page Visibility Expression: Allows writing expressions to conditionally display pages based on parameters.

Report Tab

  • Preview Report: Opens a preview of the report in a new tab.
  • Export PDF: Exports the report to a PDF file.
  • Show Available Data: Displays a popup with the content of all data keys ($data, $params, $dict, $report).
  • Report Settings Section: Enables modifications to the report's name, type, theme, template, and language.
  • Data Configuration Section: Configures dictionaries, parameters, and data sources.
  • Danger Zone Section: Provides options to delete the report, change access rules, or convert the report to a subreport.

The Left Sidebar is divided into two tabs:

  • Pages Tab: Displays all pages within the report. Here, you can reorder, rename, delete, or duplicate pages as needed.
  • Elements Tab: Shows all components of the report in a tree structure. This tab allows for detailed interaction with components such as selection, movement, copying, pasting, and deletion. It is particularly useful for managing complex pages with multiple elements.

The Right Sidebar is dedicated to configuring the selected component. Configuration options vary by component type and may be organized into multiple tabs:

Configuration Tab

  • Displays the primary settings and features for the selected component.

Appearance Tab

  • Provides options to customize the appearance of the component. You can apply CSS directly or use provided styling options to enhance the visual appeal of your report components.

Central Area

The Central Area displays the contents of the currently selected page, providing a real-time view of how the report will appear. This area is interactive, allowing you to directly select, move, resize, or delete report components as you see them, facilitating a more intuitive design process.

By familiarizing yourself with these tools and options in the Report Editor, you can effectively create and customize reports to meet your specific needs.

Designer's note

When designing a report in a tool like Figma, please note that the default resolution for A4 paper is 72 DPI (1). However, in CxReports, A4 paper is set at 96 DPI (2). To ensure your design maintains a 1:1 ratio when transferred from any designer tool to CxReports, use the 96 DPI A4 paper setting in your design tool.

  1. Equating to 595 x 842 pixels.
  2. Equating to 1123 x 794 pixels