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Generic Chart

The Generic Chart is a versatile component in CxReports that allows you to visualize your data in a variety of chart formats.

Supported Chart Types

The Generic Chart supports four types of charts:

  • Bar
  • Line
  • Column
  • Scatter

You can choose the type that best suits your data and the message you want to convey.

Data Population

The only way you can populate generic chart with data is through data sources. You can achieve that by following these steps:

  1. Drag and drop the Generic Chart component from the components bar into a page of the report or a flow.
  2. Select the Generic Chart component and navigate to Series Configuration within Data Options on the right sidebar.
  3. In the newly opened window, select +Add Serie.
  4. Populate the Serie Config with all the necessary data - Name, Chart type, Data Source, X field and Y field
  5. Click on the Save button.

Once the above steps are complete, the data should be displayed within the chart in the manner that you have previously configured.


Before attempting to add data to the chart, make sure that you have already crated a data source since you won't be able to select one in step 4..

In addition to customizing the axes, you can also change the styling of your chart. The styling options you choose in the component's editor will override the settings in the theme. This gives you the flexibility to make your chart look exactly the way you want it to.