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CxReports offers a versatile feature that allows users to streamline communication by using the built-in email functionality. This feature enables you to not only create and personalize email templates but also schedule them for periodic dispatch. The templates can include reports as attachments, ensuring that recipients receive up-to-date information automatically.

Email Templates

To utilize the email capabilities of CxReports, you can start by setting up an email template:


When initiating a new email template, the first step is to define its basic attributes:

  • Name (required): Assign a unique name to your email template for easy identification.
  • Description: Provide a brief description about the purpose of the template.
  • Active Button (On/Off): Toggle this to enable or disable the template according to your scheduling needs.

Data Sources

To enrich your email template with dynamic data:

  • New Data Source: This allows you to bind a particular data source to your email template. You have the option to either select a pre-existing data source within the application or set up a new one. For more information on managing data sources, visit Data Sources Page.
  • Email addresses source button (On/Off): If enabled, this will automatically populate the 'To Field' in the 'Messaging' section with email addresses pulled from the specified data source.


In this tab, you can craft the content of your email:

  • To Field: Enter the primary recipients' email addresses, separated by commas if more than one.
  • CC Field: Add the email addresses of additional recipients who will be visible to all. Separate multiple addresses with commas.
  • BCC Field: Similar to the 'CC Field,' but recipients are kept confidential. Again, use commas for multiple addresses.
  • Subject (required): The subject line of your email.
  • Body (required): Compose the main text of your email here.


Determine when and how often your email should be sent:

  • Start Date: Choose the date when email dispatch will commence.
  • Start Time: Specify the time at which the email dispatch should occur.
  • Repeat: This setting controls the frequency of the emails:
  • Allowed Days Option: Here you can specify on which days the email should or should not be sent. By default, all days are selected. Deselecting a day will postpone the sending to the next active day.
  • Monthly Day of the Week Option: Designate a specific weekday for monthly emails.
  • Monthly Start from the End Option: By checking this box, the system will count backwards from the end of the month to determine the sending date. For instance, if the first Monday is chosen and this option is enabled, the email will be sent on the last Monday of each month.


After selecting reports to attach:

  • Report Dropdown: Pick one or more reports to include as attachments.
  • Parameter Mapping: Appears once a report is attached, allowing you to specify parameter values for each report.

Managing Email Templates

CxReports provides options to maintain your email templates effectively:

  • Edit Email: Modify the settings of your email template as needed.
  • Send Email: Immediately dispatch the email using the current template settings.
  • Delete Email: Remove the email template from your list of templates.